Are you searching for more ways to enlighten students about various kinds of geography? This curated list of geography videos shares about a broad range of geography and historical knowledge in visually stimulating ways. From climate change impacts on the ocean to mapmaking foibles, these geography videos provide in-depth geography insights for students and educators.
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Is Earth's Most Important Ocean Current Doomed?
Ocean currents are our planet’s circulatory system, and they keep everything from ecosystems to the climate healthy. But we’re changing Earth in ways that threaten to disrupt and even break critical ocean currents like the planet-wide great ocean conveyor. This could have devastating effects on our future. “Is Earth’s Most Important Ocean Current Doomed?” humorously explains how ocean currents work, how climate change is threatening to disrupt them, and what we can do to stop that from happening.
What Holds a Country Together or Tears it Apart? Crash Course Geography
In “What Holds a Country Together or Tears it Apart? Crash Course Geography,” learn about the forces that affect a country’s stability. This geography video takes a closer look at Costa Rica, Venezuela, Cuba, and Brazil and examines how the cohesiveness of these Latin American countries varies dramatically even though they are in a region with similar characteristics.
In this geography video, a country is likened to a figure skater, and maintaining peace and stability is much like a pair performing a “death spiral” balancing the forces attempting to pull a country apart and keep it together.
TED-Ed: The Biggest Mistakes in Mapmaking History
For thousands of years, people made both functional maps and cosmographies. Cosmographies illustrate the earth and its position in the cosmos, often including constellations, gods, and mythic locations. These maps were meant to depict the world's geography, but weren't necessarily useful for navigation and contained some glaring mistakes.
In “TED-Ed: The Biggest Mistakes in Mapmaking History,” Kayla Wolf shares mapmaking's biggest blunders. You’ll get a detailed education on mapmaking in medieval Europe and the inaccuracies and hypotheses present in medieval world maps due to limited knowledge and incomplete information. This geography video reflects on the impact of mapmaking on cultures and societies, including the erasure of certain peoples and their lands.
Why the Vast Majority of All Chileans Live Near its Capital
Chile is the world's longest and narrowest country. Between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountain range, about 19.5 million people reside. Despite being a large (though skinny) country, the vast majority of Chileans live within 300 miles of its capital city of Santiago.
In “Why the Vast Majority of All Chileans Live Near its Capital,” learn how Chile's unique geography and history have impacted where and how most Chileans live. This geography video explains the historical events that shaped Chile's borders and territorial acquisitions and analyzes the impact of Chile's diverse climate regions on its economy and resources.
Nora Kane
Senior Editing and Partnerships Associate Nora has a background in media production with a focus in education and language learning. She currently works on the Boclips Content Team where she edits videos, manages content partner relationships, and sometimes makes playlists.
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