Design thinking is at the core of every good product, idea, or scientific breakthrough. Any new science graduate looking for their first job would be well advised to also have a background in ideation, fresh perspectives, and creative approaches. Teachers, therefore, have to be ready to help bolster students’ creative learning if they’re going to support them on their paths to fantastic careers in the future. With Coronavirus impacting heavily our daily lives, it’s arguably never been more important to find new and innovative ways of solving problems.

What does this mean to educators? The arts have always been an area that gets less attention in the classroom and less school funding globally. But it’s important to recognize that there is space for creative inspiration in any lesson plan.

With a constant stream of testing and targets it may not seem obvious that artistic perspectives should be included in lessons, but incorporating creativity into STEM or writing classes can boost enthusiasm and strengthen students’ understanding of the real-world application of key ideas. Plus, having such a cross-curricular approach can help teachers ensure that all learning styles are catered for.

Video is an easy way of making this happen and provides a door to the world outside the classroom. Here are just a few tried and tested ideas:

1- Generate excitement by using animal videos as inspiration for a descriptive writing task. Kunskapsmedia have some great footage of the African Savannah.
African Savannah video for creative writing lesson plans

2- Sing songs to make it stick. Nothing helps you remember your time’s tables more than with a tune from The Kiboomers.

Musical times tables video video for creative math lesson plans

3- Remember that geometry is everywhere, and a key part of islamic designs and artwork for hundreds of years: watch this Amor Sciendi video to find out more.

Islamic geometry video for imaginative art and mathlessons

4- Find scientific ideas in the world around you. This video from Guinness World Records shows how artistic works can be good for the environment too.

video on innovative science and art

5- Use documentary footage from TVF to have an adventure in The Himalayas, and draw what you see when you get there.

Himalayas video for creative lesson ideas

6- Explore artists' stories and their work in One Minute History videos to contextualize a period in history or political movement.

Van Gogh video for art and history lessons

The Boclips library is packed with videos to ignite creativity in students everywhere. To get started in your search for more videos like these, visit our Arts Sample Collection to explore content covering art history, music, fine art, world arts, and craftsmanship.

Arts Video Collection

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