Editing Policy
Effective: July 1, 2022
Some, but not all, videos or podcasts licensed from Boclips may be edited to better fit your needs and educational outcomes. If you are interested in editing a video, please first check the drop-downs below to determine whether the relevant content partner prohibits video editing or requires Boclips to seek approval for each edit request.
If your desired edit falls within the parameters of permitted edits described below, and the content partner does not prohibit edits, please fill out this form to either:
- Confirm your desired edit falls within our guidelines
- Request a podcast or video edit of a content partner who requires approval
- Request that Boclips make an edit on your behalf
Content partners who prohibit edits
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Makematic
- Makematic Untold
- National Parks Service
- NASA Goddard
- NASA Video
- National Film Board of Canada
- PCS Edventures
- Podcasts from Brains On
- Podcasts from NASA
- Science 360
- Sprouts Deutschland
- Sprouts Schools
- TedX French
- TedX Spanish
- TedX German
- TVF Cosmic Journeys series
- Why U
Content partners who must approve edits and translations
- 1 Minute in a Museum
- Atmospheares
- Australian Children’s Television Foundation
- Beat Making Lab
- Bethany Theile
- Blausen Medical
- Brave Wilderness
- Cerebellum
- Crash Course Artificial Intelligence
- Crash Course Astronomy
- Crash Course Computer Science
- Crash Course Film Criticism
- Crash Course Film History
- Crash Course Film Production
- Crash Course Government
- Crash Course Philosophy
- Crash Course Physics
- Crash Course Theater
- Curiosamente
- Economist
- Electric Monster
- engVid
- English Tree TV
- Encyclopedia Brittanica
- Epic History TV
- Epic History TV Spanish
- Financial Times
- Gammal Tech
- Hot Mess
- It's Lit
It's Okay to Be Smart
Kids Learning Tube
- Let's Tute
- Little Smart Planet
Lincoln Learning ELA
Lincoln Learning Social Studies
Lincoln Learning Mathematics
Lincoln Learning Electives
Lincoln Learning Science
- Lincoln Learning Wellness
- MarketWatch
- MinutePhysics
- MinutoDeFisica
- Monstrum
- National Film Board of Canada
- National Theatre
- National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST
- Numberock
- Origin of Everything
- Podcasts from Brains On
- Podcasts from Smithsonian
- Podcasts from Youth Radio
- PBS Eons
- PBS Ideas
- PBS Infinite
- PBS Space Time
- Say it Loud
- Schooling Online
- Schooling Online Kids
- SICK Science!
- Super Geek Heroes
- TED Talks
- TED - Ed
- The Guardian
- The School of Life
- The Telegraph
- True Calling
- Two Cents
- US Department of Agriculture
- Virtually Passed
- Vooks
- Weird History
- Weird History Food
- Wisecrack
- XKA Digital
- Yoga Guppy
- ZooMoo
- Brave Wilderness
- Editing permitted, but no translation or changes, specifically no visual edits. Can only be cut short.
- Marketwatch
- Editing permitted, but no translation or changes, specifically no visual edits. Can only be cut short.
- Wall Street Journal
- Editing permitted, but no translation or changes, specifically no visual edits. Can only be cut short.
Boclips reserves the rights to change the above list at any time to reflect changes in agreements or relationships with content partners. Please reach out to support@boclips.com if you would like to verify up-to-date information or if you have any questions.
Who does the editing?
It depends. If a desired edit falls within our guidelines, editing may be done by either your organization or Boclips for a set fee.
Please reach out to your Account Manager or to support@boclips.com if you would like us to confirm the editing fee for your organization.
To request that Boclips perform an edit on your behalf, please use this form to submit your request. Video edits are typically performed within 2 weeks.
Please reach out to support@boclips.com with any questions.
What edits are permitted?
The purpose of permitted video edits must be to make the video more relevant to a curriculum or course. Please note that neither stylistic video edits nor video edits that remove watermarks, logos, or any other brand marks are permitted. Typical valid edits include:
- The use of 2 mins from a 10 minute video
- Removal of introduction/conclusion sequences
- Cannot remove and/or paste small cuts of videos in a different order
- Cannot paste different videos together
- Cannot make edits with the intention of removing key parts of narrative
- Cannot clip segments to create an entirely new video different from the creator’s intention. For example, small clips from the video cannot be cut in order to change the video’s narrative
Audio dubbing
Audio dubbing to translate a video into a new language is generally permitted as part of the editing process. The expectation is that such translations will be as close to verbatim as possible, so as to maintain the integrity and intention of the original video. Boclips recognizes that in some instances the translation process may also require some visual editing of text or diagrams on screen. This is permitted as part of the translation process, but every effort must be made to maintain original meaning, design, font style, and timing. Adding new and additional text or narration to a video would be considered a significant alteration of the clip, and as such we encourage customers to inform Boclips and wait for express consent of the content partner concerned.
Occasionally Boclips customers are able to edit videos if the intended purpose is for localization. This includes edits which allow a video to meet cultural and editorial guidelines. Typical approved requests include:
- Removal of swearing
- Removal of smoking
These are approved at the discretion of the content partner and cannot be guaranteed, especially when the overall political, social, or cultural intention of the original video may be changed or compromised.
In any instance a video is edited, the channel’s logo, watermark, and credits must be left unaltered. Some of our content partners ask that we request express permission before making any edits and/or may have further limitations on what can or cannot be edited. For further information about who these partners are, please ask your Account Manager or support@boclips.com, or see the list above.